lundi, novembre 14, 2016

November? 6th midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s in Exeter (UK)

Du 16 et 18 novembre se tient la 6e conférence du réseau ESA (European Sociological Association) dont voici la présentation ;

"The theme of the 6th midterm conference, ‘Emergent Culture’, focuses on the diverse pathways of how emergence, as a theoretical framework and empirical phenomenon, enters into the sociological study of culture. Emergence is a key lens that captures core cultural sociological processes of action, meaning and transformation. As such, emergence is understood in relation to events and materiality; access, skills and technology; clusters and bundles; history, memories and associated social practices. It is in this sense that the Conference casts a wide intellectual net to catch the numerous ways emergence enters and shapes social relations between people, spaces, symbols and objects. The 6th midterm conference is seeking papers on the following sub-themes, yet is open to others beyond the core theme of ‘Emergent Culture’."

J'y présenterai une communication intitulée "How a new culture emerges? The case of The Beatles in the recording studio"

C'est à Exeter en Angleterre et toutes les informations sont ICI